Privacy Policy

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Tritan EV Dock Private Limited henceforth referred as is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal data. The protection of your privacy in the processing of your personal data is an important concern to which we pay special attention in our business processes. We process personal data collected during visits to our websites according to the legal provisions valid for the countries in which the websites are maintained. This privacy notice describes the information about you that Tritan EV Dock Private Limited collects through this website, how that information is used, maintained, shared, protected and how you can update it. It also applies to all personal data received by Tritan EV Dock Private Limited from the European Economic Area (“EEA”) in any format, including electronic or paper. It is effective on the date posted below and applies to our use of your information post effective date.


From time to time, we may use a standard technology called a “cookie”. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on a computer or other device and is used to identify the user or device and to collect information. Cookies are typically assigned to one of four categories, depending on their function and intended purpose: necessary cookies, performance cookies, functional cookies, and cookies for marketing purposes. A cookie cannot retrieve any other data from your hard drive, pass on computer viruses, or capture your e-mail address. Currently, websites use cookies to enhance the user’s visit; in general, cookies can securely store a user’s ID and password, personalize home pages, and identify which parts of a site have been visited. It is possible to set your browser to inform you when a cookie is being placed. This way you have the opportunity to decide whether to accept the cookie. By showing how and when our visitors use this web site, this information can help us to improve our site on a continual basis.

Children under 18 years of age

We do not provide services directly to children or proactively collect their personal information. Parents or guardians may authorize children under 18 years old to use the Tritan EV Dock Private Limited site provided they assume all responsibility and legal liability for the conduct of such child including, without limitation, monitoring the child’s access and use of the Tritan EV Dock Private Limited site. If Tritan EV Dock Private Limited learns that personal data of a person under 13 years old has been collected without verifiable parental consent, then Tritan EV Dock Private Limited may take the appropriate steps to delete such information. However, if you discover your child has submitted his/her data to TRITAN EV DOCK PRIVATE LIMITED, you may request to have such data deleted from TRITAN EV DOCK PRIVATE LIMITED’s database by sending an e-mail request. Upon receiving the request, Tritan EV Dock Private Limited shall ensure to delete such information from its database.

App Privacy

The developer, Tritan EV Dock Private Limited, indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below.. For more information, see the EV Dock’s privacy policy.

Developer’s Privacy Policy

EV DOCK is sensitive to privacy issues on the Internet. We believe it is important you know how we treat the information about you; we receive from you, on the Internet.

EV Docks Website Privacy Policy

In general, you can visit EV DOCK on the World Wide Web without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself. Our Web servers collect the domain names, not the e-mail addresses, of visitors. This information is aggregated to measure the number of visits, average time spent on the site, pages viewed, etc. EV DOCK uses this information to measure the use of our site and to improve the content of our site. Your accessing our site signifies your unconditional consent to allow the collection of your domain names. There are times, however, when we may need information from you, such as your name and address. When information is needed, we will try (but are not obligated) to let you know at the time of collection, how we will use the personal information. Usually, the personal information we collect is used only by us to respond to your inquiry, process an order or allow you to access specific account information. Occasionally, we may make the e-mail addresses, of those who provide information, available to other reputable organisations whose products or services we think you may find interesting. In these cases, you will be offered an opportunity to limit access to your information. In case we do not receive any response from you to limit the access of your information, it shall be deemed that you consent to such distribution of your information as mentioned above.

If you register with one of EV DOCK's website, they may use this information to provide you with customer information about EV DOCK's offering in support of your needs. A technology called cookies may be used to provide you with tailored information. A cookie is a tiny element of data that a web site can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your hard drive so we can recognise you when you return. You may set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie. Registering with any EV DOCK website online signifies your unconditional consent to receive such cookies.

At times we conduct on-line surveys to better understand the needs and profile of our visitors. When we conduct a survey, we will try (but are not obligated) to let you know how we will use the information at the time we collect information from you on the Internet.

You recognize and understand that there is no compulsion on you to provide us with your personal information and any and all personal information provided by you to us is with your full consent, own wish and desire to provide such personal information. You also understand that we are under no obligation to verify the source from which the personal information about you is provided to us, and they are deemed to be provided by you, unless you demonstrate to us within a period of fifteen (15) days from the date of providing of such information to us, to our satisfaction, that the information was provided to us without your free consent.

EV DOCK's Web site may contain links to other sites such as EV DOCK partners and affiliates. While we try to link only to sites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the content or the privacy practices employed by other sites.

To help you better understand the developer’s responses, see Privacy Definitions and Examples.

Privacy Definitions and Examples.

Learn more about the data types an app may collect and some of the ways the developer or its third‑party partners may use it.

Types of data
Contact info
Name Such as first or last name.
Email address
Including but not limited to a hashed email address.
Phone number
Including but not limited to a hashed phone number.
Physical address
Such as a home address, physical address or postal address.
Other user contact info
Any other information that can be used to contact you outside the app.
Health and fitness
Health and medical data, including but not limited to information from the Clinical Health Records API, healthkit API and Movement Disorder API, or from health‑related human subject research or any other health or medical data that you provide.
Fitness and exercise data.
Financial info
Payment info
Such as form of payment, payment card number or bank account number. If an app uses a payment service and the payment information is entered outside the app, the information will not appear in this section.
Credit info
Such as credit score.
Other financial info
Such as salary, income, assets, debts or any other financial information.
Precise location
Information that describes your location with the same or greater resolution as a latitude and longitude with three or more decimal places.
Coarse location
Information that describes your location with lower resolution than a latitude and longitude with three or more decimal places, such as from Approximate Location Services.
Sensitive info
Such as racial or ethnic data, sexual orientation, pregnancy or childbirth information, disability, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, political opinion, genetic information or biometric data.

Such as a list of contacts, address book or social graph.
User content
Emails or text messages
Including subject line, sender, recipients and contents of the email or message.
Photos or videos
Your photos or videos.
Audio data
Your voice or sound recordings.
Gameplay content
Such as content you generate in‑game.
Customer support
Data you generate during a customer support request.
Other user content
Any other content you generate.
Browsing history
Information about the content you have viewed that is not part of the app, such as websites.
Search history
Information about searches performed in the app.
User ID
Such as screen name, handle, account ID, assigned user ID, customer number, probabilistic identifier or other user- or account‑level ID that can be used to identify you or your account.
Device ID
Such as the device’s advertising identifier or other device‑level ID.
Purchase history
Your purchases or purchase tendencies.
Usage data
Product interaction
Such as app launches, taps, clicks, scrolling information, music-listening data, video views, saved place in a game, video or song, or other information about how you interact with the app.
Advertising data
Such as information about the advertisements you have viewed.
Other usage data
Any other data about your activity in the app.
Crash data
Such as crash logs.
Performance data
Such as launch time, hang rate or energy use.
Other diagnostic dataany other data collected for the purposes of measuring technical diagnostics related to the app.Other data typesany other data types not mentioned.
Data use Advertising or marketing
Third‑party advertising
Such as displaying third‑party ads in the app or sharing data with entities who display third‑party ads.
Developer’s advertising or marketing
Such as displaying the developer’s own ads in the app, sending marketing communications directly to you or sharing data with entities who will display ads to you.
Using data to evaluate your behaviour, including to understand the effectiveness of existing product features, plan new features or measure audience size or characteristics.
Product personalisation
Customising what you see, such as a list of recommended products, posts or suggestions.
App functionality
Such as to authenticate you in the app, enable features, prevent fraud, implement security measures, ensure server uptime, minimise app crashes, improve scalability and performance or perform customer support.
Other purposes
Any other usage not listed.
Data linked to you
Data that is linked to your identity (via your account, device or other details).

“Personal information” and “personal data” as defined under relevant privacy laws are considered linked to you. In order for data to not be linked to you, the developer must avoid certain activities after they collect it:

They must make no attempt to link the data back to your identity.
They must not tie the data to other data sets that enable it to be linked to your identity.
Data not linked to you
Data that is not linked to your identity (via your account, device or other details).
Data used to track you
Tracking occurs when data collected about you or your device is linked with third‑party data for targeted advertising or advertising measurement purposes. Tracking can also occur when data about you or your device is shared with a data broker.
Tracking does not apply in the following situations:
When the data is linked solely on your device and is not sent off the device in a way that can identify you or your device.
When the data broker uses the data shared with them solely for fraud detection and prevention or for security purposes, and solely on the developer’s behalf.
Third‑party data is any data about you or your device collected from apps, websites or offline properties not owned by the developer.

The App Privacy section includes information about the types of data that may be collected by the developer or its third‑party partners during normal app usage, but it may not describe all the developer’s practices. The data collected from you may also vary from what is displayed in this section. For example, collected data may depend on the features you use, on whether you only use a paid version of an app or on whether you are a child.

In addition, developers are not required to list data in this section when the data collected meets all the following criteria:

You provide the data to the app directly in the app’s user interface.
Your name or account name clearly appears alongside the data you submit.
The data submission is optional, meaning you are not required to provide the data in order for the app to function.
You affirmatively choose to provide the data each time it is collected.
The data collection occurs only in infrequent cases that are not part of the app’s primary functionality.
The data is only used for app functionality, personalisation or analytics, and not to track you across apps or websites or to show you advertisements.
For certain apps that facilitate regulated financial services or health research, developers may choose to not list data in the App Privacy section under the following circumstances:
The data is collected by an app that facilitates regulated financial services, and:
Collection of the regulated data from you is optional and occurs only in cases that are not part of the app’s primary functionality.
The data collected from you is covered by a privacy notice under the relevant financial services or data protection laws or regulations.
The privacy notice provides that your data is not shared with unaffiliated third parties to market other products and services to you.
Your data is not linked with third-party data for advertising purposes or shared with a data broker, except for fraud purposes or when the data broker is a consumer reporting agency and the data is shared for credit reporting purposes.
The data collected from you is subject to an informed consent form to which you have agreed as part of a health research study that has been reviewed and approved by an institutional review board or ethics review board, and is not used to track you across apps or websites.
This section also excludes information about the data collected by the device’s operating system, to which developers do not have access. The data collected in these cases is presented to you in separate disclosures when you set up your Apple ID, your devices and other Apple services.
For more information about the data collected by the developer and how it is used, see the developer’s privacy policy.